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2023-06-17 23:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、When Bob returned to the room, he was surprised to find that his books had vanished into thin air.鲍勃回到房间时,发现他的书籍不翼而飞,大吃一惊。

2、While painting one day, I was surprised by a doorbell ring一天正在作画的时候,门铃声把我吓了一跳。

3、The news surprised us all.这消息使我们大家都吃了一惊。

4、I was surprised by the strength of her feelings.她感情之强烈让我吃惊。

5、When Tom gave him the money, the panhandler was surprised and seemed grateful.当汤姆给他钱时,这名乞丐很惊奇而且好像很感激。

6、I was very surprised that such a light cream would moisturize so good.我真的难以置信质地那么轻巧的护手霜,滋养成效能那么好。

7、But he was very surprised that the parrot was clinging to the bars of the cage.但是令他吃惊的是这只鹦鹉竟抓着鸟笼的横木不放。

8、He was surprised to discover that his best friend had turned traitor.他惊讶地发现他最好的朋友竟成了叛徒。

9、I was surprised that beautiful blue water lily found almost perfect and uniformly.我感到惊讶的是美丽的蓝睡莲发现,几乎完美的统一。

10、I was surprised at her ability to get round so many people.那么多人她居然应付自如,我非常惊讶。

11、We were surprised at her coming.我们对她的到来感到吃惊。

12、Don't be surprised if your parents know your school counselor.如果你的父母知道你学校的辅导员不要惊讶。

13、This of course surprised us all.这自然使我们都很惊奇。

14、He was surprised by my speech.他对我的演讲感到很吃惊.

15、It surprised me to see so many people there.在那里看到那么多人使我感到意外。

16、They looked a little surprised but said nothing他们显得有些吃惊,但没说什么。

17、Instead, they were surprised to find a thick haze, loaded with soot, smothering the mountain slope.然而他们惊讶的发现了一片充斥着烟尘的厚厚阴霾,笼罩着山坡。

18、I am surprised ( that ) Anne will have given up her cottage in Yoorkshire.我真没相到安妮竟会放弃她在约郡的小别墅。

19、Nina is surprised when the CTU technician finds no fingerprints in waiting room 3. * 组的技术人员在候诊室3没有发现任何指纹,这使尼娜感到惊奇。

20、The wise sage seemed very surprised by this and asked.看到这些,智者非常惊讶,他问到。

21、At first, he seemed surprised by my questions.起初,他似乎对我的问题感到意外。

22、He caught the thief with a cord but was surprised to find it was a boy.他用一根绳索抓住了盗贼,但吃惊地发现那盗贼是个男孩。

23、I'm surprised I just typed that last sentence.我被自己刚才打的那句话震惊了!

24、I felt so surprised that dream could also be woven.原来梦也是可以编织的,接下来,我看到了更奇怪的一幕。

25、Most of you will be pleasantly surprised at how high you rank.你们大多数人都会对自己的排名之高感到惊喜。

26、I was surprised to find all these makers held the same value of harmonicity.我惊奇的发现所有的钢琴制造者对钢琴的音质都遵从同样的标准。

27、I'm not surprised their stock was down by 8% in one day.它们的股价一天之内下跌了8%,我对此并不感到惊讶。

28、I was surprised by his compliance with these terms.我对他竟然依从了这些条件而感到吃惊。

29、I profess that I was surprised at the news.我承认这消息使我惊讶。

30、He was surprised to find nobody at home.家里一个人也没有, 他心里很纳罕。

surprised翻译a. 感到惊讶的 详情




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